New sofas, new cushions



Yay! We have sofas.  They arrived on Thursday and alone have made a huge change to the room.

I can’t wait to see it complete with new flooring in October.  This weekend I made 4 cushions to soften the dark colour of the sofas.



I used a plain beige and a woven print beige and red fabric to bring the room together by tying in with the curtains and the stool.  I used the old cushion pads and some pillows to get the right size.  All the rectangular cushion pads in the shops we too small for what I wanted.  I went for 24″ by 14″. I’ve got lots of zip practice with 4 cushions so definitely getting more confident with them.



Sewing success

I’ve taken up sewing again. I tried multiple times but I lack the patience to get most things finished. What spurs me on is my Granny’s beautiful fifties Singer sewing machine which sits in pride of place on my crafting table…waiting.

Today though I tried a brand new technique, putting in an invisible zipper, and it worked. It was trial on a cushion before attempting to add one into the bigger project of a dress. The cushion is made from simple, heavy grey fabric from Ikea and printable fabric with an old map of New Zealand as a centre panel.



Zip (hopefully only seen by its tag)

Sewing success at last!