One year on

Well this post is a little late as we got the keys on 5th August last year. It was a whirlwind summer we got married on 7th July then we only had a week following our honeymoon to pack up and move. Then we had a week before school started.

This year has been fantastic. We love this house and whilst it takes some much time and work to decorate I wouldn’t change it. We’re slowly working our way through the house. So here’s where we are one year on.

First off through the front door there is the hall. It is still waiting for an update and definitely needs more storage!

Then the hallway leads into the living room.


Living room we’ve done walls but looking forward to getting the new flooring and sofas in place.


Dining room is looking a lot smarter with painted walls and new blind.


Kitchen with new flooring, dishwasher and red accessories to add some colour.


I love the long window above the sink.

Then upstairs first off the yellow bathroom.



Then the guestroom (also home to all my crafting stuff and Donald’s guitars!)

I setup the guitars and records cover frames as a present for Donald’s birthday so I couldn’t resist putting a birthday message in the frames.

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Finally Donald’s office (formerly my craft room).  Donald is working at home regularly now so we’re very grateful for all the storage space in this Ikea desk.

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Are paint pads like Marmite (you either love them or hate them)?


We started to paint today which I was delighted about as it means the wallpaper stripping was finally finished.  The excitement was short lived though.  We tried a paint pad as I’d heard that it made a smooth texture and covered evenly.  Hmmm….not on these walls.  Then we resorted to the trusty roller but the coverage is still not great.  So is ir the pad, the paint or worst of all the wall (i.e. even more prep needed?)