New sofas, new cushions



Yay! We have sofas.  They arrived on Thursday and alone have made a huge change to the room.

I can’t wait to see it complete with new flooring in October.  This weekend I made 4 cushions to soften the dark colour of the sofas.



I used a plain beige and a woven print beige and red fabric to bring the room together by tying in with the curtains and the stool.  I used the old cushion pads and some pillows to get the right size.  All the rectangular cushion pads in the shops we too small for what I wanted.  I went for 24″ by 14″. I’ve got lots of zip practice with 4 cushions so definitely getting more confident with them.



Living Room progress (in time for Christmas)!

ImageFirst things first, the wallpaper is stripped.  Thankfully we are getting quicker at this though the ceilings are still causing a bit of drama.

ImageThen to start the painting.  We went for grey as it would go nicely with the red carpet and curtains.  We’re tackling one thing at a time so the carpet will be updated but not for a while!


Finally, sewing up some new cushion covers brightens up the room.  All ready for Christmas and the tree.
