Bathroom reveal

At last the bathroom is complete!  Donald has worked really hard on the painting and decorating over the last couple of weeks.  Fitting it all in to evenings and weekends has been a bit of a trial but so worth it now we see the finished result.  I’ve helped where I can, mostly cleaning and providing meals, but at 34 weeks pregnant now what I can do to help is a bit limited.

Today began with a final snagging list – hang the blind, clean the tiles, apply silicone, finish the window sill and hang fittings like toilet roll holder and soap dish.  I’m pleased to say it is all done and now properly clean too for the first time in weeks.

We love the wall colour and the mirror which we’ve had for years finally has a proper home.

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Beginnings of a new bathroom

For one small bathroom I’ve been taken aback by how much work it takes to update it.  A week ago the joiners begun by putting up new plasterboard and creating some storage (yay, at last!) at the end of the bath and under the sink.  This week Jerry has worked incredibly hard on the tiling, all the tiles are now up and grouted round the bath with Mum’s help.  Thank you both so much!  Today we’re getting the bath re-enamelled so it should look shiny and new again.  Then we can begin preparing and decorating the walls. So here is the progress in pictures:


Monday and Tuesday

Wednesday and Thursday

P.S. Any colour help for the walls would be much appreciated, we’re thinking a light aqua green so the grey tiles don’t seem too dark but struggling to make a decision!

Garage progress

Day 6 and the door is painted to match the sliding doors, the facings are fixed on the roof edge and the interior of the office is fitted with insulation.

All go on the garage

This week Donald, Jerry and John (Jerry’s dad) have been working away with joiners Gus and Kevin to build our new garage and office.  In only 3 days there has been fantastic progress with the frame built, roof on and doors in place.  Also Donald has dug the trench for the electric cable and John has been removing the tiles in the bathroom ready for the project there next week.

Tonight was the first time I have seen the garage for myself and it is looking great.  The sloped roof and the overhanging section over the office work really well and I can’t wait to see it all clad in the larch wood.

The garage is gone!


On Saturday we arrived back from a lovely week’s holiday in the Lake district and Wales.  This was only the second time camping with Eva but she was great.

After camping in the lakes we went down to Wales to visit my best friend Lisa and her boyfriend Dean in their new home.  Lisa also has a chocolate labrador called Glo and Eva had the time of her life, playing all day.

The holiday we knew was our only week in a very busy summer to switch off so all thoughts of the projects on the house were put to the back of our minds.

Arriving back we got straight to action putting up an ad offering the garage for free to anyone who could dismantle it.

We were a bit taken aback by the number of responses that evening so we thought it was worth seeing if the first one to reply could take it down the next day.

It was a big ask but at 11 o’clock David arrived, a young guy who wanted to make his own workshop from the timber, with a whole team of helpers. By 6 o’clock the site was completely clear and our garden 3 metres wider than we’d ever seen it.




The site is now ready for the new building which is going up in only a week and a half!